ScRAPdb    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Reference Assembly Panel Database (ScRAPdb)

A searchable table of the S. cerevisiae pangenome ORFs defined in Peter et al. (2018) Nature (LINK) is provided below. The listed core/accessory classification and origin assignment are based on the original study. Click on the PanORF ID to find out the detailed presence/absence pattern of the corresponding pangenome ORF in both ScRAPdb and the 1002ScGP strain collections (which were recalculated by ScRAPdb).

PanORF ID                                               SGD systematic Name SGD standard name Alias Description                                               Type Origin assignment Mostly likely origin species NCBI megablast hit
7583-YPL235W YPL235W RVB2 RuvB family ATP-dependent DNA helicase reptin|TIP48|TIH2|TIP49B ATP-dependent DNA helicase, also known as reptin; member of the AAA+ and RuvB protein families, similar to Rvb1p; conserved component of multiple complexes including the INO80 complex, the Swr1 complex, and the R2TP complex (Rvb1-Rvb2-Tah1-Pih1); involved in multiple processes such as chromatin remodeling, box C/D snoRNP assembly, and RNA polymerase II assembly Core NA NA NA
7584-YPL236C YPL236C ENV7 putative serine/threonine protein kinase ENV7 Vacuolar membrane protein kinase; negatively regulates membrane fusion; associates with vacuolar membrane through palmitoylation of one or more cysteines in consensus sequence; vacuolar membrane association is essential to its kinase activity; mutant shows defect in CPY processing; ortholog of human serine/threonine kinase 16 (STK16) Core NA NA NA
7585-YPL237W_NumOfGenes_2 YPL237W SUI3 translation initiation factor eIF2 subunit beta Beta subunit of the translation initiation factor eIF2; involved in the identification of the start codon; proposed to be involved in mRNA binding Core NA NA NA
7586-YPL239W YPL239W YAR1 NA Ankyrin-repeat containing, nucleocytoplasmic shuttling chaperone; prevents aggregation of Rps3p in the cytoplasm, associates with nascent Rps3p during its translation in the cytoplasm and delivers it to the 90S in the nucleus; required for 40S ribosomal subunit export, biogenesis and adaptation to osmotic and oxidative stress; expression repressed by heat shock Core NA NA NA
7587-YPL240C YPL240C HSP82 Hsp90 family chaperone HSP82|HSP90 Hsp90 chaperone; redundant in function with Hsc82p; required for pheromone signaling, negative regulation of Hsf1p; docks with Tom70p for mitochondrial preprotein delivery; promotes telomerase DNA binding, nucleotide addition; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress; contains two acid-rich unstructured regions that promote solubility of chaperone-substrate complexes; HSP82 has a paralog, HSC82, that arose from the whole genome duplication Accessory Ancestral NA NA
7588-YPL241C YPL241C CIN2 GTPase-activating protein CIN2 GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Cin4p; tubulin folding factor C involved in beta-tubulin (Tub2p) folding; mutants display increased chromosome loss and benomyl sensitivity; human homolog RP2 complements yeast null mutant Core NA NA NA
7589-YPL242C YPL242C IQG1 CYK1 Essential protein required for determination of budding pattern; promotes localization of axial markers Bud4p and Cdc12p and functionally interacts with Sec3p, localizes to the contractile ring during anaphase, member of the IQGAP family; relocalizes from bud neck to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress Core NA NA NA
7590-YPL243W YPL243W SRP68 signal recognition particle subunit SRP68 Core component of the signal recognition particle (SRP) complex; SRP complex functions in targeting nascent secretory proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane; relocalizes from cytoplasm to the nuclear periphery upon DNA replication stress Core NA NA NA
7591-YPL244C YPL244C HUT1 NA Protein with a role in UDP-galactose transport to the Golgi lumen; has similarity to human UDP-galactose transporter UGTrel1, exhibits a genetic interaction with S. cerevisiae ERO1 Core NA NA NA
7592-YPL245W YPL245W NA NA Putative protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to both the nucleus and the cytoplasm Core NA NA NA
7593-YPL246C YPL246C RBD2 putative rhomboid protease RBD2 Possible rhomboid protease; has similarity to eukaryotic rhomboid proteases including Pcp1p Core NA NA NA
7594-YPL247C YPL247C NA NA Putative protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm and nucleus; similar to the petunia WD repeat protein an11; overexpression causes a cell cycle delay or arrest Core NA NA NA
7595-YPL248C YPL248C GAL4 galactose-responsive transcription factor GAL4|GAL81 DNA-binding transcription factor required for activating GAL genes; responds to galactose; repressed by Gal80p and activated by Gal3p Core NA NA NA
7596-YPL249C YPL249C GYP5 NA GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for yeast Rab family members; involved in ER to Golgi trafficking; exhibits GAP activity toward Ypt1p that is stimulated by Gyl1p, also acts on Sec4p; interacts with Gyl1p, Rvs161p and Rvs167p; involved in recruiting Rvs167p to the bud tip during polarized growth; relocalizes from bud neck to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress; GYP5 has a paralog, GYL1, that arose from the whole genome duplication Core NA NA NA
7597-YPL249C-A_NumOfGenes_2 YPL249C-A RPL36B eL36|ribosomal 60S subunit protein L36B|L36e|YL39|L39|L36B Ribosomal 60S subunit protein L36B; binds to 5.8 S rRNA; homologous to mammalian ribosomal protein L36, no bacterial homolog; RPL36B has a paralog, RPL36A, that arose from the whole genome duplication Core NA NA NA

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