ScRAPdb    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Reference Assembly Panel Database (ScRAPdb)

A searchable table of the S. cerevisiae pangenome ORFs defined in Peter et al. (2018) Nature (LINK) is provided below. The listed core/accessory classification and origin assignment are based on the original study. Click on the PanORF ID to find out the detailed presence/absence pattern of the corresponding pangenome ORF in both ScRAPdb and the 1002ScGP strain collections (which were recalculated by ScRAPdb).

PanORF ID                                               SGD systematic Name SGD standard name Alias Description                                               Type Origin assignment Mostly likely origin species NCBI megablast hit
7493-YPL146C YPL146C NOP53 RRP16 Nucleolar protein; involved in biogenesis of the 60S subunit of the ribosome; interacts with rRNA processing factors Cbf5p and Nop2p and with the nucleolar proteins Nop17p and Nip7p; null mutant is viable but growth is severely impaired Core NA NA NA
7494-YPL147W YPL147W PXA1 ATP-binding cassette long-chain fatty acid transporter PXA1|SSH2|PAT2|PAL1|LPI1 Subunit of heterodimeric peroxisomal ABC transport complex, with Pxa2p; required for import of long-chain fatty acids into peroxisomes; similar to human adrenoleukodystrophy transporters ABCD1and ABCD2, and ALD-related proteins; mutations in ABCD1 cause X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), a peroxisomal disorder; human ABCD1 and ABCD2 can each partially complement yeast pxa1 pxa2 double null mutant Core NA NA NA
7495-YPL148C YPL148C PPT2 holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase Phosphopantetheine:protein transferase (PPTase); activates mitochondrial acyl carrier protein (Acp1p) by phosphopantetheinylation Core NA NA NA
7496-YPL149W YPL149W ATG5 APG5 Conserved protein involved in autophagy and the Cvt pathway; undergoes conjugation with Atg12p to form a complex involved in Atg8p lipidation; Atg5p-Atg12p conjugate enhances E2 activity of Atg3 by rearranging its catalytic site, also forms a complex with Atg16p; the Atg5-Atg12/Atg16 complex binds to membranes and is essential for autophagosome formation; also involved in methionine restriction extension of chronological lifespan in an autophagy-dependent manner Core NA NA NA
7497-YPL150W YPL150W NA non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase Protein kinase of unknown cellular role; binds phosphatidylinositols and cardiolipin in a large-scale study Core NA NA NA
7498-YPL151C YPL151C PRP46 mRNA splicing protein PRP46|NTC50 Member of the NineTeen Complex (NTC); this complex contains Prp19p and stabilizes U6 snRNA in catalytic forms of the spliceosome containing U2, U5, and U6 snRNAs Core NA NA NA
7499-YPL152W YPL152W RRD2 peptidylprolyl isomerase RRD2|YPA2 Peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans-isomerase; also activates the phosphotyrosyl phosphatase activity of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A); regulates G1 phase progression, the osmoresponse, microtubule dynamics; subunit of the Tap42p-Pph21p-Rrd2p complex; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress Core NA NA NA
7500-YPL152W-A YPL152W-A NA NA Protein of unknown function; identified by gene-trapping, microarray-based expression analysis, and genome-wide homology searching Core NA NA NA
7501-YPL153C YPL153C RAD53 serine/threonine/tyrosine protein kinase RAD53|SPK1|MEC2|LSD1 DNA damage response protein kinase; required for cell-cycle arrest, regulation of copper genes in response to DNA damage; phosphorylates nuclear pores to counteract gene gating, preventing aberrant transitions at forks approaching transcribed genes; activates downstream kinase Dun1p; differentially senses mtDNA depletion, mitochondrial ROS; relocalizes to cytosol under hypoxia; human homolog CHEK2 implicated in breast cancer can complement yeast null mutant Core NA NA NA
7502-YPL154C YPL154C PEP4 proteinase A|yscA|PRA1|PHO9 Vacuolar aspartyl protease (proteinase A); required for posttranslational precursor maturation of vacuolar proteinases; important for protein turnover after oxidative damage; plays a protective role in acetic acid induced apoptosis; synthesized as a zymogen, self-activates Core NA NA NA
7503-YPL155C YPL155C KIP2 NA Kinesin-related motor protein involved in mitotic spindle positioning; stabilizes microtubules by targeting Bik1p to the plus end; functions as a microtubule polymerase and catastrophe inhibitor in vitro; Kip2p levels are controlled during the cell cycle Core NA NA NA
7504-YPL156C YPL156C PRM4 pheromone-regulated protein PRM4 Pheromone-regulated protein proposed to be involved in mating; predicted to have 1 transmembrane segment; transcriptionally regulated by Ste12p during mating and by Cat8p during the diauxic shift Core NA NA NA
7505-YPL157W YPL157W TGS1 RNA methyltransferase Trimethyl guanosine synthase, conserved nucleolar methyl transferase; converts the m(7)G cap structure of snRNAs, snoRNAs, and telomerase TLC1 RNA to m(2,2,7)G; also required for nucleolar assembly and splicing of meiotic pre-mRNAs; interacts with Swm2p, which may confer substrate specificity on Tgs1p Core NA NA NA
7506-YPL158C YPL158C AIM44 GPS1 Protein that regulates Cdc42p and Rho1p; functions in the late steps of cytokinesis and cell separation; sustains Rho1p at the cell division site after actomyosin ring contraction; inhibits the activation of Cdc42-Cla4 at the cell division site to prevent budding inside the old bud neck; transcription is regulated by Swi5p; null mutant displays elevated frequency of mitochondrial genome loss; relocalizes from bud neck to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress Core NA NA NA
7507-YPL159C YPL159C PET20 NA Mitochondrial protein; required for respiratory growth under some conditions and for stability of the mitochondrial genome Core NA NA NA

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