ScRAPdb    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Reference Assembly Panel Database (ScRAPdb)

A searchable table of the S. cerevisiae pangenome ORFs defined in Peter et al. (2018) Nature (LINK) is provided below. The listed core/accessory classification and origin assignment are based on the original study. Click on the PanORF ID to find out the detailed presence/absence pattern of the corresponding pangenome ORF in both ScRAPdb and the 1002ScGP strain collections (which were recalculated by ScRAPdb).

PanORF ID                                               SGD systematic Name SGD standard name Alias Description                                               Type Origin assignment Mostly likely origin species NCBI megablast hit
7403-YPL054W YPL054W LEE1 NA Zinc-finger protein of unknown function Core NA NA NA
7404-YPL055C YPL055C LGE1 NA Protein of unknown function; null mutant forms abnormally large cells, and homozygous diploid null mutant displays delayed premeiotic DNA synthesis and reduced efficiency of meiotic nuclear division Core NA NA NA
7405-YPL056C YPL056C LCL1 NA Putative protein of unknown function; deletion mutant is fluconazole resistant and has long chronological lifespan Accessory Ancestral NA NA
7406-YPL057C YPL057C SUR1 mannosylinositol phosphorylceramide synthase catalytic subunit SUR1|LPE15|CSG1|BCL21 Mannosylinositol phosphorylceramide (MIPC) synthase catalytic subunit; forms a complex with regulatory subunit Csg2p; function in sphingolipid biosynthesis is overlapping with that of Csh1p; SUR1 has a paralog, CSH1, that arose from the whole genome duplication Core NA NA NA
7407-YPL058C YPL058C PDR12 ATP-binding cassette multidrug transporter PDR12 Plasma membrane ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter; weak-acid-inducible multidrug transporter required for weak organic acid resistance; induced by sorbate and benzoate and regulated by War1p; mutants exhibit sorbate hypersensitivity Core NA NA NA
7408-YPL059W YPL059W GRX5 monothiol glutaredoxin GRX5 Glutathione-dependent oxidoreductase; mitochondrial matrix protein involved at an early step in the biogenesis of iron-sulfur centers along with Bol1p; hydroperoxide and superoxide-radical responsive; monothiol glutaredoxin subfamily member along with Grx3p and Grx4p Core NA NA NA
7409-YPL060W YPL060W MFM1 LPE10 Mitochondrial inner membrane magnesium transporter; involved in maintenance of mitochondrial magnesium concentrations and membrane potential; indirectly affects splicing of group II introns; functionally and structurally related to Mrs2p Core NA NA NA
7410-YPL061W YPL061W ALD6 aldehyde dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) ALD6|ALD1 Cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase; activated by Mg2+ and utilizes NADP+ as the preferred coenzyme; required for conversion of acetaldehyde to acetate; constitutively expressed; locates to the mitochondrial outer surface upon oxidative stress Core NA NA NA
7411-YPL062W YPL062W NA NA Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data; YPL062W is not an essential gene; homozygous diploid mutant shows a decrease in glycogen accumulation Core NA NA NA
7412-YPL063W YPL063W TIM50 protein translocase subunit TIM50 Essential component of the TIM23 complex; acts as receptor for the translocase of the inner mitochondrial membrane (TIM23) complex guiding incoming precursors from the TOM complex; may control the gating of the Tim23p-Tim17p channel Core NA NA NA
7413-YPL064C YPL064C CWC27 putative peptidylprolyl isomerase CWC27 Component of a complex containing Cef1p; putatively involved in pre-mRNA splicing; has similarity to S. pombe Cwf27p; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress Core NA NA NA
7414-YPL065W YPL065W VPS28 ESCRT-I subunit protein VPS28|VPL13|VPT28 Component of the ESCRT-I complex; complex is involved in ubiquitin-dependent sorting of proteins into the endosome; conserved C-terminal domain interacts with ESCRT-III subunit Vps20p; other members include Stp22p, Srn2p, Vps28p, and Mvb12p Core NA NA NA
7415-YPL066W YPL066W RGL1 NA Regulator of Rho1p signaling, cofactor of Tus1p; required for the localization of Tus1p during all phases of cytokinesis; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the bud neck and cytoplasm; null mutant is viable and exhibits growth defect on a non-fermentable (respiratory) carbon source Core NA NA NA
7416-YPL067C YPL067C NA NA Putative protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm; YPL067C is not an essential gene Core NA NA NA
7417-YPL068C YPL068C NA NA Protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the nucleus and is induced in response to the DNA-damaging agent MMS Core NA NA NA

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