ScRAPdb    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Reference Assembly Panel Database (ScRAPdb)

A searchable table of the S. cerevisiae pangenome ORFs defined in Peter et al. (2018) Nature (LINK) is provided below. The listed core/accessory classification and origin assignment are based on the original study. Click on the PanORF ID to find out the detailed presence/absence pattern of the corresponding pangenome ORF in both ScRAPdb and the 1002ScGP strain collections (which were recalculated by ScRAPdb).

PanORF ID                                               SGD systematic Name SGD standard name Alias Description                                               Type Origin assignment Mostly likely origin species NCBI megablast hit
7193-YOR234C YOR234C RPL33B eL33|ribosomal 60S subunit protein L33B|L33e|rp47|Yl37|L37B|L33B|RPL37B Ribosomal 60S subunit protein L33B; rpl33b null mutant exhibits normal growth while rpl33a rpl33b double null mutant is inviable; homologous to mammalian ribosomal protein L35A, no bacterial homolog; RPL33B has a paralog, RPL33A, that arose from the whole genome duplication Core NA NA NA
7194-YOR235W YOR235W IRC13 NA Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data; null mutant displays increased levels of spontaneous Rad52 foci Core NA NA NA
7195-YOR236W YOR236W DFR1 dihydrofolate reductase Dihydrofolate reductase involved in tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis; required for respiratory metabolism; mutation is functionally complemented by human DHFR Core NA NA NA
7196-YOR237W YOR237W HES1 oxysterol-binding protein related protein HES1|OSH5 Protein implicated in the regulation of ergosterol biosynthesis; one of a seven member gene family with a common essential function and non-essential unique functions; similar to human oxysterol binding protein (OSBP); SWAT-GFP and mCherry fusion proteins localize to the bud neck and vacuolar membrane; HES1 has a paralog, KES1, that arose from the whole genome duplication Core NA NA NA
7197-YOR238W YOR238W NA NA Putative protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm Core NA NA NA
7198-YOR239W YOR239W ABP140 TRM140|YOR240W AdoMet-dependent tRNA methyltransferase and actin binding protein; C-terminal domain is responsible for 3-methylcytidine modification of residue 32 of the tRNA anticodon loop of tRNA-Thr and tRNA-Ser and contains an S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) binding motif; N-terminal actin binding sequence interacts with actin filaments and localizes to actin patches and cables; N- and C-terminal domains are encoded in separate ORFs that are translated into one protein via a +1 frameshift Core NA NA NA
7199-YOR241W YOR241W MET7 tetrahydrofolate synthase|MET23 Folylpolyglutamate synthetase; catalyzes extension of the glutamate chains of the folate coenzymes, required for methionine synthesis and for maintenance of mitochondrial DNA; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress Core NA NA NA
7200-YOR242C YOR242C SSP2 NA Sporulation specific protein that localizes to the spore wall; required for sporulation at a point after meiosis II and during spore wall formation; expression controlled by a tightly regulated middle-meiotic promoter that is activated by Ndt80p; translation of SSP2 mRNA is delayed, such that the mRNA is present as nuclear divisions are taking place but is not engaged by ribosomes until relatively late in meiotic development Core NA NA NA
7201-YOR243C YOR243C PUS7 pseudouridine synthase PUS7 Pseudouridine synthase; catalyzes pseudouridylation at positions 35 and 56 in U2 snRNA, position 50 in 5S rRNA, position 13 in cytoplasmic tRNAs, and position 35 in pre-tRNA(Tyr); also pseudouridylates some mRNAs; relocates from nucleus to cytoplasm during heat shock and differentially modifies some mRNAs during heat shock; conserved in archaea, vertebrates, and some bacteria Core NA NA NA
7202-YOR244W YOR244W ESA1 NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex catalytic subunit ESA1|KAT5|TAS1 Catalytic subunit of the histone acetyltransferase complex (NuA4); acetylates four conserved internal lysines of histone H4 N-terminal tail and can acetylate histone H2A; master regulator of cellular acetylation balance; required for cell cycle progression and transcriptional silencing at the rDNA locus and regulation of autophagy; human ortholog TIP60/KAT5 is implicated in cancer and other diseases, functionally complements lethality of the esa1 null mutation Core NA NA NA
7203-YOR245C YOR245C DGA1 diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase Diacylglycerol acyltransferase; catalyzes the terminal step of triacylglycerol (TAG) formation, acylates diacylglycerol using acyl-CoA as an acyl donor; Lro1p and Dga1p can O-acylate ceramides; localized to lipid particles Core NA NA NA
7204-YOR246C YOR246C ENV9 NA Protein proposed to be involved in vacuolar functions; mutant shows defect in CPY processing and defects in vacuolar morphology; has similarity to oxidoreductases, found in lipid particles; required for replication of Brome mosaic virus in S. cerevisiae, a model system for studying replication of positive-strand RNA viruses in their natural hosts Core NA NA NA
7205-YOR247W_NumOfGenes_2 YOR247W SRL1 NA Mannoprotein that exhibits a tight association with the cell wall; required for cell wall stability in the absence of GPI-anchored mannoproteins; has a high serine-threonine content; expression is induced in cell wall mutants; SRL1 has a paralog, SVS1, that arose from the whole genome duplication Core NA NA NA
7206-YOR249C YOR249C APC5 anaphase promoting complex subunit 5|RMC1 Subunit of the Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C); APC/C is a ubiquitin-protein ligase required for degradation of anaphase inhibitors, including mitotic cyclins, during the metaphase/anaphase transition; component of the platform domain of the APC/C, based on structural analysis; relative distribution to nuclear foci decreases upon DNA replication stress Core NA NA NA
7207-YOR250C YOR250C CLP1 cleavage polyadenylation factor subunit CLP1 Component of the cleavage and polyadenylation factor I (CF I); CF 1, composed of the CF 1A complex (Rna14p, Rna15p, Clp1p, Pcf11p) and Hrp1, is involved in cleavage and polyadenylation of mRNA 3' ends; involved in both the endonucleolyitc cleavage and polyadenylation steps of mRNA 3'-end maturation and in gene looping which affects reinitiation of transcription Core NA NA NA

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