ScRAPdb    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Reference Assembly Panel Database (ScRAPdb)

A searchable table of the S. cerevisiae pangenome ORFs defined in Peter et al. (2018) Nature (LINK) is provided below. The listed core/accessory classification and origin assignment are based on the original study. Click on the PanORF ID to find out the detailed presence/absence pattern of the corresponding pangenome ORF in both ScRAPdb and the 1002ScGP strain collections (which were recalculated by ScRAPdb).

PanORF ID                                               SGD systematic Name SGD standard name Alias Description                                               Type Origin assignment Mostly likely origin species NCBI megablast hit
46-PUT_LAC_TRASP-R.14850- NA NA NA NA Accessory Unknown S. paradoxus NA
47-RTM1-R.14851- YSC0032 RTM1 NA Member of the lipid-translocating exporter (LTE) family; present in multiple copies associated with SUC telomeric loci, amplified in yeasts used for industrial biomass or ethanol production with molasses as substrate Accessory Unknown NA NA
48-MPR1-R.14847- YSC0029 MPR1 NA L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid acetyltransferase; reduces intracellular ROS and contributes to L-proline analog resistance and tolerance to ethanol and freezing; member of N-acetyltransferase superfamily; not found in S288C, only present in strains with Sigma1278b background; located on left arm of chromosome XIV approximately 15 kb from telomere Accessory Ancestral NA NA
49-MEL1-R.14846- YSC0019 MEL1 NA Secreted alpha-galactosidase; required for catabolic conversion of melibiose to glucose and galactose; regulated by several GAL genes; mapped to -77.0 cM on chrII Accessory Ancestral NA NA
50-BIO6-R.8578- YSC0043 BIO6 YAR069W-A Putative 7-keto-8-aminopelargonic acid (KAPA) synthetase; in sake strains and S. cerevisiae strains YJM627 and A364a; involved in the biotin biosynthesis pathway; homologs present in S. bayanus, S. paradoxus, S. mikatae and S. kudriavzevii Accessory Ancestral NA NA
58-augustus_masked-11091-BAF_6 NA NA NA NA Accessory Introgression S. paradoxus NA
59-augustus_masked-1113-BMC_1 NA NA NA NA Accessory Ancestral NA NA
60-augustus_masked-11172-CPM_4 NA NA NA NA Accessory Introgression S. paradoxus NA
61-augustus_masked-11216-CPN_4 NA NA NA NA Accessory Introgression S. paradoxus NA
62-augustus_masked-11537-CPG_1 NA NA NA NA Accessory Introgression S. paradoxus NA
63-augustus_masked-11538-CPG_1 NA NA NA NA Accessory Introgression S. paradoxus NA
64-augustus_masked-11538-CPG_1 NA NA NA NA Accessory Introgression S. paradoxus NA
65-augustus_masked-11538-CPG_1 NA NA NA NA Accessory Introgression S. paradoxus NA
66-augustus_masked-11538-CPG_1 NA NA NA NA Accessory Introgression S. paradoxus NA
67-augustus_masked-11588-BAL_7 NA NA NA NA Accessory Ancestral NA NA

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