ScRAPdb    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Reference Assembly Panel Database (ScRAPdb)

Data source: 2018_Peter_Nature
Condition Description
YPACETATE YP acetate 2%: 2% bactopeptone; 1% yeast extract; 2% acetate; 2% agar
YPETHANOL YP EtOH 2%: 2% bactopeptone; 1% yeast extract; 2% ethanol; 2% agar
YPGALACTOSE YP galactose 2%: 2% bactopeptone; 1% yeast extract; 2% galactose; 2% agar
YPGLYCEROL YP glycerol 2%: 2% bactopeptone; 1% yeast extract; 2% glycerol; 2% agar
YPRIBOSE YP ribose 2%: 2% bactopeptone; 1% yeast extract; 2% ribose; 2% agar
YPSORBITOL YP sorbitol 2%: 2% bactopeptone; 1% yeast extract; 2% sorbitol; 2% agar
YPXYLOSE YP xylose 2%: 2% bactopeptone; 1% yeast extract; 2% xylose; 2% agar
YPD YPD: 2% bactopeptone; 1% yeast extract; 2% glucose; 2% agar
YPD14 YPD, 14 degree: 2% bactopeptone; 1% yeast extract; 2% glucose; 2% agar
YPD40 YPD, 40 degree: 2% bactopeptone; 1% yeast extract; 2% glucose; 2% agar
YPD42 YPD, 42 degree: 2% bactopeptone; 1% yeast extract; 2% glucose; 2% agar
YPD6AU YPD 6AU 600 ug/ml: YPD; 6-azauracile 600ug/ml
YPDANISO10 YPD anisomycin 10 ug/ml: YPD; anisomycin 10ug/ml
YPDANISO20 YPD anisomycin 20 ug/ml: YPD; anisomycin 20ug/ml
YPDANISO50 YPD anisomycin 50 ug/ml: YPD; anisomycin 50ug/ml
YPDBENOMYL200 YPD benomyl 200 ug/ml: YPD; benomyl 200ug/ml
YPDBENOMYL500 YPD benomyl 500 ug/ml: YPD; benomyl 500ug/ml
YPDCAFEIN40 YPD caffeine 40 mM: YPD; caffeine 40mM
YPDCAFEIN50 YPD caffeine 50 mM: YPD; caffeine 50mM
YPDCHX05 YPD CHX 0.5 ug/ml: YPD; cycloheximide 0.5ug/ml
YPDCHX1 YPD CHX 1 ug/ml: YPD; cycloheximide 1ug/ml
YPDETOH YPD EtOH 15%: YPD; ethanol 15%
YPDFLUCONAZOLE YPD fluconazole 20 ug/ml: YPD; fluconazole 20ug/ml
YPDFORMAMIDE4 YPD formamide 4%: YPD; formamide 4%
YPDFORMAMIDE5 YPD formamide 5%: YPD; formamide 5%
YPDHU YPD hydroxyurea 30 mg/ml: YPD; hydroxyurea 30mg/ml
YPDLICL250MM YPD LiCl 250 mM: YPD; LiCl 250mM
YPDMV YPD Mv 20 mM: YPD; methylviologen 20mM
YPDNACL15M YPD NaCl 1.5 M: YPD; NaCl 1.5M
YPDNYSTATIN YPD nystatin 10 ug/ml: YPD; nystatin 10ug/ml
YPDSODIUMMETAARSENITE YPD sodium metaarsenite 2.5 mM: YPD; sodium metaarsenite 2.5mM

Data source: 2022_DeChiara_Nature_Ecology_and_Evolution
Condition Description
Sporulation_in_water sporulation rate in water
Asci at 24h asci rate at 24 hours
Asci at 72h asci rate at 72 hours
Dyads at 24h dyads rate at 24 hours
Dyads at 72h dyads rate at 72 hours
CLS in water (day 8) chronological life span in water on day 8
CLS in water (day 20) chronological life span in water on day 20
CLS_in_SDC (day 7) chronological life span in SDC on day 7
CLS in SDC (day 21) chronological life span in SDC on day 21
CLS in_SDC (day 35) chronological life span in SDC on day 35
CLS in crSDC (day 7) chronological life span in calorie restriction SDC on day 7
CLS in crSDC (day 21) chronological life span in calorie restriction SDC on day 21
CLS in crSDC (day 35) chronological life span in calorie restriction SDC on day 35
Adenine using adenine as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
Alanine using alanine as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
Citrulline using citrulline as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
Glycine using glycine as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
Isoleucine using isoleucine as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
Methionine using methionine as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
NH4 using NH4 as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
Phenylalanine using phenylalanine as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
Serine using serine as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
Threonine using threonine as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
Tryptophan using tryptophan as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
Valine using valine as nitrogen source at growth yield limiting concentration 30 mg N/L
Arabinose_0.5 using arabinose as carbon source at the concentration of 0.5%
Arabinose_2 using arabinose as carbon source at the concentration of 2%
Arabinose_8 using arabinose as carbon source at the concentration of 8%
Fructose_0.5 using fructose as carbon source at the concentration of 0.5%
Fructose_2 using fructose as carbon source at the concentration of 2%
Fructose_8 using fructose as carbon source at the concentration of 8%
Fructose_32 using fructose as carbon source at the concentration of 32%
Glucose_0.5 using glucose as carbon source at the concentration of 0.5%
Glucose_1 using glucose as carbon source at the concentration of 1%
Glucose_2 using glucose as carbon source at the concentration of 2%
Glucose_8 using glucose as carbon source at the concentration of 8%
Glucose_16 using glucose as carbon source at the concentration of 16%
Glucose_32 using glucose as carbon source at the concentration of 32%
Glucose_50 using glucose as carbon source at the concentration of 50%
Glycerol_0.5 using glucose as carbon source at the concentration of 0.5%
Glycerol_2 using glucose as carbon source at the concentration of 2%
Malic_Acid using malic acid as carbon source
Maltose_0.5 using maltose as carbon source at the concentration of 0.5%
Maltose_2 using maltose as carbon source at the concentration of 2%
Maltose_8 using maltose as carbon source at the concentration of 8%
Maltose_32 using maltose as carbon source at the concentration of 32%
Mannitol_2 using mannitol as carbon source at the concentration of 2%
Raffinose_2 using raffinose as carbon source at the concentration of 2%
Raffinose_8 using raffinose as carbon source at the concentration of 8%
Sucrose_2 using sucrose as carbon source at the concentration of 2%
Sucrose_8 using sucrose as carbon source at the concentration of 8%
Sucrose_32 using sucrose as carbon source at the concentration of 32%
Xylose_0.5 using xylose as carbon source at the concentration of 0.5%
Xylose_2 using xylose as carbon source at the concentration of 2%
Xylose_8 using xylose as carbon source at the concentration of 8%
YPD yeast extract peptone dextrose